Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swinska grypa juz w Berlinie ;] / Pig flu already in Berlin ;]

Co prawda nakrylem ja rok temu, ale jest to jedyny dowod na to, ze nie z Meksyku, ale z Prenzlauer Allee wypuscila w swiat swoje macki ;]

Ostatnie minuty w Berlinie - czekam na Zappe i atakujemy Polske.
W rodzinnym Tarnobrzegu czeka mnie jeszcze pare sesji ze skorami znajomych ale.. w polowie maja wycieczka do Hongkongu, a po niej juz tylko szukanie lokalu na nowe studio!

Mam nadzieje na chociaz jeden dzien wolny i mozliwosc spedzenia paru godzin z jakims nowym rysunkiem, w innym wypadku nie zobaczymy sie az do czerwca!


To be honest i have seen it about a year ago..but its the only proof that not from Maxico, but from Prenzlauer Berg flu has spread her tentacles all over the world!
Last minutes in Berlin - i am waiting for Zappa and we attack Poland then!
There is few friends skin waiting for me in my hometown - Tarnobrzeg - but in the middle of may i am gonna fly to HongKong! After that we gonna search new place for our studio!
I hope i'll have one day free at least, and be able to spend few hours with some new sketch.. otherwise we wont see us till june!

1 comment:

  1. please don't forget your not-polish-speaking readers ;)

    I have seen a pig walking by at my window once too.. seems to be nothing too unsusual here
