Saturday, August 15, 2009


byl byl byl - pierwszy klient z 3miasta!
niesamowite jest to, ze po 2 tygodniach od otwarcia. dopiero!
studio pelne jest przyjezdnych, od tarnobrzega (650 km) po Berlin (600 km?)..
dzisiaj przyjezdza moj dobry berlinski klient Sebastian!
nie moge sie doczekac!
konczymy niomechaniczny polrekaw, ktory jest kontynuacja tematu z jego zeber..
a w niedziele! w niedziele zaczynamy full kolor biomechaniczne plecy!
szarpnalem sie do namalowania mu projektu olejami...takze skonczymy na samych liniach, bo kolory "nadal-sie-tworza" ;]

przepraszam za tak malo zdjec, ale moj aparat nie zyje, a lustrzanka zappy po prostu jest ciezka i nie miesci sie do mopjej kieszeni ;]
do uslyszenia w weekend!


there was there was! the very first client from 3city!#
but amazing is, that it happened after 2 weeks since we opened up our studio!
the shop is filled with people coming from, other cities like my hometown tarnobrzeg (650 km), or berlin (about 600km?)..
today i expect my very good client from Berlin - Sebastian!
i loof forward to it!
we are gonna continue his biomechanic half-sleeve tattoo, which is continuation of his bio ribs piece..
and at sunday..! at sunday we will start his full color biomechanical backpiece!
i am so excited, that i have painted his design with oil we will make linework first,
because colors are still coming out from the brush. ;]

my apologize for such a little pictures rcently posted in my blog, by my camera died, and now i must use the heavy zappa's camera.. which definitely is not a pocket-size. ;]
so... see ya at weekend!

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