Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pierwszy rekaw! / My first full sleeve!

This weak was a freaky!
No coz, wstyd sie pewnie przyznac, ale po tych paru latach tatuowania zaczalem moj pierwszy rekaw. Cos kiedys sie juz zdarzalo, ale ludzie z regoly cos juz na sobie nosili.. a tu trafia sie CZYSTY Robson!

Seria szalencow dopiero ma swoj poczatek, ale siedze cicho, bo zapowiada sie iscie biomechaniczny koniec lata!
Dodam tylko, ze Robson ma jeszcze asa w "rekawie" haha! Bedzie sie dzialo, oj bedzie! ;]

Zaczelo sie szybko i lekko, godzina jazdy mazakami i pierwsze linie..

Szkice niewiele pomogly, to co "plaskie" slabo sprawdza sie w 3d ;]

Gruba rama maszyny Feldmana, 8rs na dziobie i psycho-lokiec w akcji.

Znieczulenie zaczynalo dzialac! Powazna atmosfera i glebokie szczere rozmowy a'la miami-ink!


This weak was a freaky!
What can i say.. what a shame, but after all these years of tattooing i have started my first full sleeve ever. There was something done in past.. but people usually had some small tattoos already, and i just finished their arms...but not i have found my CLEAN Robson!

The serie of freaks just started, and its gonna be damn biomechanic end of summer!
I need to add, that Robson will surprise you yet, haha! There will be much more fun, believe me, there will be much more! ;]


  1. nice! =)
    is he the guy selling the paper-tissue-roll-whatever-thing?

  2. i think it was the same guy..
    i hope
    he said he is

  3. :P
    I just remembered his tats
    what about the roll he "forgot"? was it on purpose?
